Meet Jeri Krieg!

Meet Jeri Krieg, RYT!


Jeri is fairly new to yoga, in yoga years! She began practicing just four years ago with a couple of beginner DVDs at home, trying to find a way to ease tension in her back and learn to relax. A retreat at the beautiful, serene St. Gertrude Monastery rocked her yoga world, and a lack of yoga teachers and classes in her hometown planted a seed in her heart. She headed off to Puerto Vallarta for the winter and began attending classes regularly with several inspirational teachers there. Returning to Clarkston, eager for her friends to begin practicing yoga, she was again disappointed to find a lack of yoga classes available, especially for beginners. Upon returning to Vallarta the next winter, Jeri was super excited to find Davanna Yoga and decided to jump in and take the wonderful teacher training offered by Anna Laurita. The intense training opened up a whole new world to Jeri, and she has been teaching ever since. The yoga community in the LC Valley is growing slowly but surely, and she recently joined forces with Jeanette Gara-Betzold and Kayla Sanders, who share Jeri’s vision of bringing the joy of yoga to our community. Even though it is difficult to leave her yoga friends to fend for themselves during the winter, Jeri is fortunate to be able to go to Vallarta where she can learn and practice with the best, then bring that new knowledge and inspiration back home to share with others.


EVERYONE should be practicing yoga! I love sharing the life-changing powers of yoga! My classes are accessible to all. Being that my body is older, stiffer and limited by past injuries, in my practice I use any and all props and happily offer options to all levels. I share themes that I am experiencing myself along my yoga journey, believing that others many times can relate to the same things. Yoga has helped me to see and experience the connectedness between everyone and everything. It is a beautiful life!

JGB Yoga receives immense GRATITUDE and JOY  partnering with Jeri! Thank you Jeri!